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New server. Testing to see whether it works. If you're reading this, it did.
I was intrigued by this entry over at Point of Law describing a rather overenthusiastic fan of the legal system:
Serial litigant Utahn Holli Lundahl has been barred from filing further appeals before the 10th Circuit, according to an article in the Salt Lake Tribune. According to the article, Lundahl has filed more than 100 lawsuits in various courts and has been barred or restricted from filing further lawsuits on her own behalf by a variety of courts. The U.S. Supreme Court, in particular, has prohibited her from filing further non-criminal papers there.So I decided to do a little Googling to find out more about her.In the 10th Circuit case, Eli Lilly and another defendant claim to have spent more than $1 million in defending themselves against Lundahl's claims, which the 10th Circuit called, "fanciful, implausible and bizarre."
Conclusion? I think we can safely say that Ms. Lundahl is a tad too eager to spend her time in court. How can I tell? Well, to paraphrase Jeff Foxworthy, you know someone is overly litigious when... shewins her case -- and then tries to appeal anyway.
But, once you get past the amusing anecdotes about this woman, this story has a more serious purpose: it goes to show just how misleading the opponents of tort reform are when they claim that frivolous litigation isn't a problem because courts can deal with it. Courts have a very difficult time doing so, or at least are very reluctant to do so. (Such a claim is disingenuous in another way, in that it conceals the fact that "frivolous" means something very different to the layperson and the courts.)
It may not cost every defendant $1 million to deal with a vexatious litigant, but even if it only costs a few thousand, those defense costs add up when someone files a hundred different suits.
No man's life, liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session.
One can hardly say that the Kelo v. New London decision was unexpected, but it's still horribly depressing. I don't have time to write as much as I'd like about the decision, so I'll just do a few random thoughts.
Republican Congressman Tom Davis, last known for holding Congressional hearings on the key national security issue of the private lives of major league baseball players, is at it again. With all major national problems resolved, he has come up with a new issue to focus Congressional attention on: who should own a major league baseball team.
One might think that would be an issue for a private business to work out -- but as the Supreme Court showed just last week, in the modern world of Washington DC, there's no such thing as private business.
The hearings chaired by Davis a couple of months ago, as outrageous as they were, at least theoretically bore some distant relationship to federal policy. One may question -- and so I do -- why the federal government would have a policy on steroid use, but it does, so there's some logic in holding hearings on the subject.
But now? Now Davis is threatening partisan retaliation against Major League Baseball if they allow someone he doesn't like to own a team:
Republicans in Congress threatened Major League Baseball on Monday with repeal of its antitrust exemption if billionaire financier George Soros is involved in buying the Washington Nationals.No misprint there. Davis is threatening to impose special federal regulations on MLB if they allow a staunch Democrat to become a minority owner of a baseball team.Soros, who contributed more than $20 million to groups in an attempt to unseat President Bush last year, recently joined an ownership group led by entrepreneur Jonathan Ledecky.
"I think Major League Baseball understands the stakes," House Government Reform chairman Tom Davis, R-Va., told Roll Call.
"I don't think they want to get involved in the political fights."
Davis, who convened the recent congressional hearings on steroids, added, "I don't think it's the Nats that get hurt. I think it's Major League Baseball that gets hurt. They enjoy all sorts of exemptions from antitrust laws."
Predictably, Democrats show that they Just Don't Get It:
Said Rep. George Miller, D-Calif., chairman of the House Democratic Policy Committee, in a statement: "Tom Davis should be charged with an error for this abusive political power play.Miller's right: it is offensive. But Tom Davis is merely a symptom of the problem. And ultimately, George Miller is just as guilty as Davis is. After all, Miller was gung-ho about participating in Davis's earlier steroids hearings. Miller's complaint isn't abuse of government power; Miller's complaint is just that the victim of that abuse is now on his side of the aisle."It should be offensive not just to Democrats, but to all voting Americans that Republicans might manipulate the legislative process for partisan purposes in response to the potential purchase of a baseball team by someone who does not support the current Republican agenda."
What Miller will never acknowledge -- being a Big (or is it Huge?) Government Democrat -- is that Tom Davis can make such threats because people like George Miller empowered him to do so.
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