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Tips To Make The World A Better Place, Part 1

When we're all waiting for our luggage at baggage claim, why don't we all try stepping back from the carousel three feet? You know, everyone leave some room so that we all have time to see our bag, and then are able to easily and calmly step forward to retrieve it without having to wrestle our way through a crowd of our tired and cranky fellow passengers? If you happen to run an airport, why don't you paint a "wait line" three feet back from the carousel where all passengers must stand behind unless actively retrieving a bag? And then can we all agree that if the carousel runs for more than ten minutes with no bags appearing, that all passengers have the right to fight off boredom by riding around on the belt while shouting "wheeeee!"?

(Shouting "yahoo!" or "I'm king of the world!" is also acceptable.)


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