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Lawsuit kickoff

By now, I'm sure many people have heard of the idiot who became the first to file a lawsuit against Janet Jackson's breasts (or something like that). The news coverage has quoted the claim that the stunt caused people to "suffer outrage, anger, embarrassment, and serious injury." But the claim that most amused me was actually this one:

15. Moreover, because defendants knew that the Super Bowl and the Super Bowl half-time show would have a worldwide audience and knew that for much of the world, these events would reflect the standards and the reputation of Americans abroad, plaintiffs and members of the class have been defamed by the defendants and have suffered injuries and damages to their reputations as Americans. Defendants knew or should have known that the standing and credibility of Americans in the world would be harmed as a result of the defendants' self-indulgent and self-serving acts.
Words fail me. (And believe me, that's rather unusual. Just ask my wife.) But if I can sue anybody who embarrasses me as an American, look out, U.S. Congress, Pete Rose, and Geraldo Rivera.

Speaking of "self-indulgent and self-serving acts," I know an attorney who files a frivolous lawsuit to get his name in the newspaper. But it turns out he's not just an attorney; he's also a politician:

In addition to his law practice, Mr. Ritchie served as a member of the Tennessee House of Representatives in the 98th, 99th, and 100th General Assemblies, serving on the Finance, Ways and Means and Judiciary Committees and the Select Committee on Ethics.
Well, that explains it.


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» Lawsuits Deconstructed #1 from Notes from the (Legal) Underground
Many have questioned the validity of the federal class action arising out of the Janet Jackson brouhaha, but few have fully explained the lawsuit's lack of legal merit. Even those who scoff at the lawsuit assume it might be more [Read More]


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