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Asian American Success

If you read to the end of this article, you'll see that the National Review wants (future tense, by the way) to see Asians succeed in America.

It's a wonderful sentiment. It just warms my heart.

UPDATE: Link added. Sorry about that.


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Comments (4)




How come you did not post a reference to Bobby Jindal? Aren't you proud of his accomplishments?


> How come you did not post a reference to Bobby
> Jindal? Aren't you proud of his
> accomplishments?

Sure I am. Proud might not be the correct word, though. Happy, perhaps. Delighted, maybe.

For what it's worth, I was interviewed a while back by the New Orleans Times-Picayune about Jindal's candidacy. I haven't gone back to check whether or not I was actually quoted in the article or not, but I might be "on the record" there expressing my delight.


I guess there is hope for you yet! :-)


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