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Throw the book at the bookkeeper

Remember all those Democratic complaints about how the Bush administration wasn't doing anything about corporate crime? How about five years in prison for Enron's treasurer?

(Think that will satisfy Democrats that progress is being made? Ha! We'll hear "So what? What about Ken Lay?" And when Lay is prosecuted, and the trial drags on, we'll hear, "Why did you arrest him unilaterally, instead of working through the UN? Now we're in a legal quagmire." (Er, sorry. I watched the first Democratic presidential debate -- the Hispanic debate -- last weekend, and the second Democratic presidential debate -- the black one -- last night. My cynicism about the Democratic party is unusually high right now.))


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Comments (1)

I hear you. I've been cynical about the Democrats ever since Clinton bombed Iraq and killed an artist after it was alleged that Saddam had plotted to assasinate Bush, Sr. It's almost impressive that Dubya and his cabal have managed to make Clinton look like the Messiah.



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