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Funny, I Don't Feel Alone

As James Taranto puts it: "we would rather be alive and hated than dead and popular. If the rest of the world likes Americans only when we're dying, the rest of the world can go to hell."

I vastly prefer standing "alone" today withthe Brits, Aussies, and Poles - our true friends and allies - to having the entire world's sympathies on September 12, 2001.


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Comments (7)

Interesting that you didn't include the Iraqis among the people with whom you prefer to stand "alone." How altruistic of you to seek to "liberate" people you don't care to identify with!

Did you forget the Spaniards because they overwhelmingly opposed their Prime Minister's support for you war?


E. Rey:

Unlike the Brits, Aussies and Poles, the Spaniards didn't send troops. Aznar's political support was helpful, but the others were willing to assume a significantly greater risk to do what was right.

As for the Iraqis: inconclusive. They're only just beginning to show what they're made of. I hope they live up to the challenge.


My list wasn't meant to be a complete list of the dozens of countries who still support us.


Are those the only two choices? "Alive and hated" or "dead and popular"?

How about alive and popular? Is that (still?) a possibility?

How about alive and right? Popularity is a concept best left behind in high school. Do what's right, and hope that the rest of the world eventually realizes it.

Mark y Mark:

How about alive and right?

Hey, execution counts. It can be hard to differentiate between doing something bad from doing some good—badly.

I have a hard time believing that the invasion and conquest of Iraq couldn't have taken place with more than just token support from the rest of the world. Many of the post-war issues WRT security and money the US is having to deal with are directly related to the American unilateralism, and the Administration's public handling of the issues hasn't exactly been deft.

Of course execution counts. If we couldn't succeed in Iraq and leave the country in better shape than when we went in, we weren't "right" to go in in the first place.

I still think we can and will succeed there. I, for one, never said or thought it would be quick or easy.


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