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Agreeing to Disagree

If you haven't been liking the charges of McCarthyism and anti-Americanism on the Jumping to Conclusions comment boards, you sure won't like Anandashankar Mazumdar's lastest post on his blog.

And, yeah, I know he just got married, but why doesn't Ananda post more often to his blog? There are people who want to read what he has to write.

(One major complaint about Ananda's page, though: cripes, in the "Sorely Missed" section of his page, where is the great and greatly underappreciated show "The American Embassy"? It NEEDS to return to television. Don't throw a one-in-a-million show away so quickly, FOX, because the next one-in-a-million show is a million shows away.)


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Our country was founded on principles of the free exchange of ideas, public discourse, and compromise on public policy.

So how come someone who is so in favor of public discourse doesn't have a comments section on his blog?

Modern Republican conservatism is grounded in a culture of hatred, fear, and contempt -- of non-Republicans, non-conservatives, non-Christians, non-whites, non-Anglophones, non-militarists, non-heterosexuals, pretty much any person or group that can be characterised as different in some way or that disagrees with them.

As opposed to Modern Democrat Leftists who only hate white people and Jews and any "minority" that doesn't follow the party line like Andrew Sullivan, Ward Connerly and Justice Thomas.


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