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We won! How outrageous!

Of course, Clinton actually lied about his affair. At most, Bush was wrong about the Niger connection (although note that the British are sticking to their story). An actual lie is the suggestion that uranium purchases were the only reason for going to war, and that proving that claim wrong would wreck the entire war rationale. Sorry, but that would still leave Saddam as a very immediate threat to his people and his neighbors, an avowed threat to the United States, a flouter of multiple U.N. resoutions, and a thorn in the world's side for decades. Good enough reasons to get rid of him for me, and for most of the country, yellowcake or no yellowcake.

A related lie is that Democrats can gain by running against a war we won. Note that they were smart enough not to try that in 1992. As James Taranto puts it:

Democrats seem to be just as out of touch today. Rather than celebrate the overthrow of a tyrant and enemy of America, they are trying to discredit it by retrospectively niggling over the nuances of the argument for war. It's as if they were defense lawyers arguing an appeal on behalf of Saddam, trying to get him off on a technicality.

The Washington Times quotes Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld as explaining to a Senate committee yesterday: "The coalition did not act in Iraq because we had discovered dramatic new evidence of Iraq's pursuit of weapons of mass murder. We acted because we saw the existing evidence in a new light, through the prism of our experience on September 11."

Rumsfeld is exactly right, and the Democrats will self-destruct unless they grasp the political ramifications of the national epiphany that was Sept. 11. The response that "Iraq had nothing to do with Sept. 11," though possibly accurate, is beside the point--the equivalent of arguing in 1942 that Germany had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor. FDR and Truman knew who America's enemies were, but many of their heirs seem not to.


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Comments (4)

Partha Mazumdar:

One thing missing from the 1942 analogy was that, in 1942, FDR and, I suppose Senator Harry Truman, knew who American's friends were, too. We went into Europe, in large part, to defend/liberate Britian, the Netherlands, and France. We didn't go in just because Germany was our enemy.

And this Taranto quote leads us to troubling ground. As I read it, he's saying the government can attack any country for whatever stated rationale, and if you question it, (1) don't understand that it's because of "our experience on September 11", and (2) don't realize that this is like our fight against Nazi Germany.

I wonder which country is next on our 9-11/Nazi Germany hit list?


What country is next? Why, Liberia, of course...


We didn't go in just because Germany was our enemy.

What? Are you for real, Partha? Did you every hear of Pearl Harbor? We went to war because we were attacked!

Dave S:

Germany declared war on us after Pearl Harbor. They didn't necessarily have to and there is some historical debate as to why they did this. Had they not done so, it's at least possible that we would have have just focused on Japan and left Germany alone, at least for the time being.


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