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From Paul Krugman's column today: "Here's what Tom DeLay, the House majority leader, said in a speech last week: 'To gauge just how out of touch the Democrat leadership is on the war on terror, just close your eyes and try to imagine Ted Kennedy landing that Navy jet on the deck of that aircraft carrier.'"

Let's see about this Democratic leadership...

Ted Kennedy served three years in the U.S. Army. I don't know if he can fly, though.

Richard Gephardt, former House Minority Leader, might be able to fly; he served six years in the Missouri Air National Guard. David Bonior was a Staff Sargent in the United States Air Force. Tom Daschle was an officer in the U.S. Air Force. Senator John Kerry was awarded the Bronze Star, Silver Star and three Purple Hearts. Rangle is a Bronze Star recipient from the Korean war. The recently vocal Max Cleland is a Silver and Bronze Star recipient.

Looking at the leadership on the other side of the aisle: Hastert, Delay, Blunt, Frist, McConnell, Santorum, nor Lott are veterans.

For what it's worth, I trust the Democratic leadership on security issues. They are not out of touch. And they know what war is about.

Unless, of course, someone out there wants to do some spinning and claim that Kennedy, Gephardt, Bonior, Daschle, Kerry, Rangle, and Cleland are traitors.


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Comments (3)


"… just close your eyes and try to imagine Ted Kennedy landing that Navy jet on the deck of that aircraft carrier.'"

Actually, it is easier to imagine someone landing a jet on Ted Kennedy. After all, he is almost as big as an aircraft carrier.

By the way, how come you forgot to ell us about the military service of your hero, Bill Clinton?

Partha Mazumdar:

President Clinton wasn't a war hero.

He never claimed he was.

Nor did he criticize those who were.


Partha, is there some reason why you always miss the point?

President Clinton wasn't a war hero.

He never claimed he was.

Was that meant to be a serious comment? He was a self-proclaimed draft dodger. It would be hard for him to also claim to be a war hero, wouldn't it? The point was he didn't serve in the military.

Nor did he criticize those who were.

What??!! What is that suppose to mean? Are the Democrats now criticizing war heroes? I guess John Kerry better be concerned!


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