« On the other hand, maybe the Times would | Main | On further review »


John J. Miller over at the Corner notes that: "The White House has just released a list of this year's Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients.... What an outstanding group--the White House deserves an A+ for this."

I agree. It's a great group.

However, follow the link to the White House press release.

It's Roberto Walker Clemente. Not Roberto Clemente Walker.

Anyway, it's good to see that he won.


UPDATE: Look up one post to David's. My mistake. In my defense, a born-and-raised Pittsburgher am I, yet I'd never heard "Roberto Clemente Walker" before.


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Comments (1)

Adam Schettler:

He doesn't have a middle name Walker is his mother's maiden name and in hispanic culture the mother's name is placed after his father's so it is "Roberto Clemente Walker"


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