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Advice for the Democrats

Glenn Reynolds offers advice to the Democrats.

Among his subjects are: Intelligence Failures (he thinks this is a no-go), the Saudi Connection ("lots of room" to criticize the Bush administration), Homeland Security (Reynolds focuses on the armed pilots program), Communications (which means media concentration), and lowering the drinking age. I don't know if Reynolds is attempting to be ironic in this last one, but, basically, he thinks the Democrats should be coming up with positions of their own and not just criticisms of the Republicans.

I have an idea for the Democrats. Things that, apparently, Reynolds hasn't thought of. How about running on the economy? Running on the idea of putting people back to work? How about running on health care? If everybody in America has the right to a lawyer when they're accused of a crime, shouldn't they have the right to a right to a doctor when they're sick? (Don't go running to a copy of the Consititution saying "Look, Partha, there is no *right* to a doctor written here!" -- I'm asking, shouldn't there be?). How about running on the concept of an open government that works for all its citizens and doesn't keep secrets from them? How about running on the slogan "Put People First" and insuring the United States is the United States for all its citizens.

This is a winning platform.


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If everybody in America has the right to a lawyer when they're accused of a crime, shouldn't they have the right to a right to a doctor when they're sick?

Wow. It is hard to believe that you could come up with a statement like that. It is a complete non sequitur. But why stop there. Shouldn't everyone also have a right to food, clothing and shelter? And while we are at it, why don't we throw in a car, vacations, computers, HDTVs, etc. How about "from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs". I'm sure that sums up your philosophy.

How about running on the concept of an open government that works for all its citizens and doesn't keep secrets from them?

Congratulations. You just topped your previous comment. Yes, those nasty security agencies like the CIA and NSA keep all those secrets from us. We should be told all of those secrets. I'm sure no one would be so mean as to give them away to our enemies.

How about running on the slogan "Put People First" and insuring the United States is the United States for all its citizens.

As oppose to what? Dogs, cats, goldfish? Yes, you are certainly a deep thinker.

The problem with a DLC-blessed Democrat saying that he/she will "put people first" is that most people wouldn't believe them and rightly so. If someone who really adheres to this concept does emerge as the Democratic candidate then people would find him/her to be "too liberal," which, as we know, is the same as being un-American.



How about running on the slogan "Put People First"...

What? And piss off the environmentalists?? You would never get past the primaries!


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