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Sad day

I, literally, grew up in Mr. Roger's neighborhood. He lived a few blocks down the street from my parents' house. He shopped at the neighborhood grocery store that I worked at during high school (before I worked there, he filmed a segment for his show at the store); I occassionally assisted him in his shopping. It wasn't until I went to college and my friends there had also knew of him that I learned that Mr. Roger's Neighborhood wasn't a local Pittsburgh show but was seen nationally. And, of course, like everybody else, when I was young, I watched his show.
Mr. Rogers was once asked what the secret of his show's success was. He replied that he never lost faith with the children. He was a great man and his lessons remain with us.


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Comments (1)


Nice tribute to Mr. Rogers...

I met him but once in person. But will never forget the way he treated my two small children on that visit. Read more at my blog.


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