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If only similar penalties applied to lying politicians

The schmuck who lied to the police about being a witness during the sniper shootings last fall pleaded no contest to the resulting charges and has been sentenced to six months in jail. Although he was inside the Home Depot at the time of the shooting and didn't actually see anything he claimed to have seen, and even though everything he claimed to have seen turned out to be a lie, his defense was that he didn't make it up personally.

His attorney, Thaddeus Furlong, said that Dowdy did not see the shooting but that he did not make up the story. Furlong said Dowdy was simply relaying information he heard from a homeless friend named Linda who told him she witnessed the killing but was afraid to go to police.

"He did not seek fame; he did not seek money. . . . He was trying to help," Furlong said outside the courtroom.

Yes, and upon hearing the explanation, O.J. Simpson immediately contacted Dowdy to ask for assistance in his hunt for the real killers of Nicole and Ron.

By the way, do many homeless women shop at Home Depot?


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Comments (2)

Thaddeus Furlong:

just read your piece on my client, the Home Depot sniper-liar. Okay, so I howled at the O.J. reference. Pretty clever. By the way, your facts as recited were 100% accurate. I'll have to check out your site more often and pray Im not in your cross-hairs. WELL DONE!
P.S. I think the homeless woman planted the glove in the O.J. case hee hee
T. Furlong, Esq.

sammie shea:

i was engaged to furlong and he is the best attorney ever born..........thats a fact!


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