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ESPN College Gameday

One thing history students constantly complain about is dates -- why do they have to memorize so many dates. (Answer: because it's important to know when things happened.)

I'm going to give you two dates:

1939: The last time an Ivy League college won a football national championship. (It was Cornell's brilliant 8-0 team).

1993: The year ESPN's College Football Gameday program began broadcasting their show from outside of the stadium of the biggest college football game being played that week. As of last year (I couldn't find the most recent numbers), they've made over 120 trips to 33 cities. They've gone to all the places you'd expect: Gainesville seven times, Ann Arbor and South Bend six times, Miami and Lincoln five times, and Knoxville four times.

This Saturday, the ESPN Gameday crew is going to broadcast from outside of Philadelphia's Franklin Field and feature the Harvard - Pennsylvania game; a first for the Ivy league, a first for Division I-AA, a first for many categories. I don't think that ESPN is caught in some kind of a timewarp and believe that Hamilton Fish is going to be lining up against John Heisman and John Outland, but they still chose this game to broadcast. I don't think this piece of information has any sort of grand international significance, but it's just facinating. And, it'll be fun to watch (but I can't decide what will be more fun: going to the game or watching it on tv.)


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