In with the new
As some of you may have noticed, this site just upgraded its blog software, Movable Type, to version 3.31. We had been using 2.661. The new version has features that should improve your experience with the site and make things easier for us to manage as well. Thanks to the people at Six Apart for making the latest version of Movable Type free for personal bloggers.
We've also spiffed up the appearance of The Orioles Warehouse a little — and I stress a little. We have not demolished the old site and rebuilt it brick by brick. Consider it more like a new paint job.
Inevitably, a few problems have cropped up amidst the changes. For example, many internal links to old entries do not work. Also, if you subscribe to the RSS feed, note that the feed address has changed (it's now index.xml, not index.rdf). We're fixing these issues as we encounter them, so if you notice something awry, let us know.