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March 2006 Archives

March 7, 2006

Season's greetings

I'm back... albeit in slightly modified form.

Circumstances forced me to take a break from blogging and the Orioles for a few months. And honestly, I don't think there were any really noteworthy transactions in Birdland since my last post in October; most people seem to agree that the acme of the Orioles' offseason came early on with the Leo Mazzone signing—which, I should reiterate, could turn out to be quite a significant acquisition.

I suppose I could have written about the Miggy-wants-out soap opera, but that was short-lived, overblown, and ultimately of little consequence, so I'm glad I didn't waste any words on it. The trade that brought Anna Benson and her husband Kris to Baltimore brought a lot of buzz, too, but most of it has been focused on the outspoken Mrs. Benson, who will not be starting any games for the Orioles last I checked. And there were other low-key signings and trades, but none of them exactly seized my attention. I will, however, sling together a few thoughts about the new faces during the next couple of weeks.

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